Tailmaker Software Free Downloads

Now available for testing and review. All Tailmaker software and documentation is offered ‘as is’ with no further development planned.

Now available for download! Tails and Fingers by Tailmaker.
Launch image for Tails and Fingers by Tailmaker

About Tails and Fingers

Click here to download Tails and Fingers v1.04: TaF_Install104.zip

This is an app that will calculate tool paths to flat machine dovetail and finger joints from one side without the need for vertical clamping of the boards. This software is fully parametric and does not need separate CAD or CAM software.

Following features are supported:

  • Standard dovetail and finger joints for perpendicular boards with same or different thickness
  • Half blind dovetail and finger joints with user defined remaining wall
  • Pocket dovetail joints (which can be located somewhere along the pin-side board, not at the ends)
  • Inlay dovetail and finger joints with separately machined inlay strips
  • Compound angle finger joints. (Compound angle dovetails or inlays are also supported but difficult to assemble)
  • The output is direct g-code for CNC machines but there is also an option to export tool paths for import to Vectric VCarve/Aspire for subsequent simulation or combination with other tool paths.

Please note: you will get a security warning upon first running of the software. This is due to the fact that it isn’t generated under a Microsoft-certified process. It is nonetheless safe to install and run.

Questions/comments? Contact Gert directly at puzzlejoint@outlook.com

Box Clamp

This is a free download of a Vectric VCarve file to cut parts for an intersecting assembly clamp. It is useful for making boxes and any other rectangular object. It is easily resized for larger assemblies.

Download Notes file

Download VCarve file

Bow Saw

This Bow Saw can see practical use, or as a shop decoration.

Download Notes file

Download VCarve file

Wheel Barrow (Garden Cart)

Warning: This is not a beginner project! Use it as a functional cart, or for decoration.

Download Notes file

Download VCarve file


Make your own heavy-duty mallet!

Download VCarve file

Step Stool

Create a step stool featuring wooden threaded joints.

Download VCarve file

Color Picture Carving Tutorial

This approach to creating 4-color Epoxy images was featured on the Vectric Forum. Using Vectric Aspire and other free or open-source software, this tutorial will show you how to create 4-layer images using the Lithophane approach. Download the tutorial here.

Guilloche Software by Tailmaker

Download Version 1.6 here: GuillocheFreewareInstall.zip

Download Samples and Documentation here: GuillochographInfo.zip

About Guillochograph

This is a utility that will generate G-Code for the machining of decorative patterns on CNC machines. It
can replicate patterns usually made by Guilloche methods or decorative turning with Rose Engine
Lathes. It will generate output as a .dxf file and as .bmp bitmap file to be used in suitable CAM software
like VCarve Pro or Aspire (trademarks Vectric).

It will also generate G-code directly as a stand-alone application. For the latter, this software does not
need separate CAD or CAM software.

Puzzle My Joint by Tailmaker
PuzzleMyJoint by Tailmaker

Download Version 1.05 here: PuzzleMyJointInstallV1.05.zip

Generate joints for frames and other wooden items, or create jigsaw puzzle patterns and make them on your CNC machine.

Please note: you will get a security warning upon installation of the software. This is due to the fact that it isn’t generated under a Microsoft-certified process. It is nonetheless safe to install.

Fingermaker by Tailmaker
Fingermaker by Tailmaker

Make complex finger joints on your CNC machine.

Download here: FingermakerFreewareInstall.zip

Mazemaker by Tailmaker
Mazemaker by Tailmaker

Generate single or double sided mazes and make them on your CNC machine.

Download here: MazeMakerFreewareInstall.zip